Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Passport applied for!

Today we got up bright and early and headed to breakfast. Little Alliot is getting a little bit more picky with his food choices and is refusing some foods. I guess he is realizing there is better tastes than formula and rice soup out there. We had to go to the city where his orphanage is to apply for his passport. To get to his city we needed to take the bullet train, which travels at a speed up to 300 km/hr.  Im not really sure what that translates to in miles/hr, but it was fast. :) The train ride was 1 hr, and Alliot did ok but he was really wiggly then finally fell asleep. At the passport place it was very quick and smooth because the photos were taking already last week. So we quick applied, gave them a gift to bribe them to rush the passport for us, and we were done. One chinese women went up to us and made some comments (in chinese) about him not being dressed in enough clothes. The chinese like their children in multiple layers. Later on the same lady came up to us and reached her hands out to Alliot as if for him to come to her... hmm... NO! My momma claws came out with that one. The orphanage director and our guide told her no in Chinese, and then she left us alone. After the applying for the passport we were able to stop and visit the orphanage. It was much different than I expected. Little Alliot was his same o happy self, and did not show signs of being nervous at all. When we went into his bed room one of the nannies came over to us and began shouting his name and wanted to hold him. Of course we let her, we want her to know that he is loved and in good hands and be able to say good bye. Afterall she did a fabulous job caring for him the last 16 months. Then she sat on the floor with him and he got to play with the other kids for a minute. He tried to steal their toys. :) Some of the children began to get upset seeing Alliot with a mom and dad so they told us we couldnt stay to long. I was able to see his bed, which has already been filled with a new baby. :( A little baby 3 months old with cl/cp as well. They told us that they have about 100 children at the orphanage and about 40 others who are out at hospitals getting the care/ surgeries they need. They have 70 nannies that work at the orphanage. That is an awesome ratio! Our agency partners with a few orphanages, and this one being one of them. Our agency works with the orphanage and trains the nannies. It was not what I was expecting. Alliots demeanor made us feel like this was a happy place for him, he felt safe, he loved his friends, and loved his caretakers. Obviously there is no place like a family, but they do a great job of making it feel like home for them.
Then it was an hr train ride back. When we got home we went to eat at KFC, it tastes a little different here but at least it was a break from Chinese food. I think the marathon eating we did in Wenzhou has stunned my taste buds! American chinese sounds awesome right about now. :) After we ate we went for a walk and went to a few stores, Alliot slept in the ergo carrier so it was great. Tomorrow is a pretty relaxed day, I think we will sleep in and take our time getting ready maybe go out if it isn't to cold and rainy.  We should probably do a little more laundry in the tub too. Its pretty cool here in Zhengzhou and we don't have a hat for Alliot. I wasn't sure of his size so I didn't know what to pack, well he is very small, about 14lb pounds and fitting in size 9 months. We don't have a jacket for him either so we get lots of stares and get hollered at by old chinese women. I wish I could add some pictures today but my camera is broken :( I hope I can get it working by tomorrow. We aren't really sure what happened to it. It was working great and now the flash is going crazy and it won't take pictures. UGH! Thank you for your prayers and following our journey. I love that we can feel so close to home via the internet.

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