Sunday, May 5, 2013

Busy Week!!

So sorry I haven't updated in awhile. We had a busy week with the garage sale, I feel like I was going 90 miles an hr, all week. We are so thankful for all the help we had with the sale. I would name everyone, but the list would be toooo long!!! Everyone was so generous with there time and resources, and watching my children. Thank you Thank you!! The sale was a HUGE success, we raised over $2,000!!!

Other big news this week.... We accepted the referral!!! Now we are waiting for China to accept us!! :) This will be a big week for us!! We had so many God signs last week, and we just felt like God laid this kid in front of us for a reason. Yes, he has needs, but yes they are repairable- thats good enough for us. We talked with Aviela and asked her how she felt about Mommy and Daddy spending time at the hospital with the "baby," and we told her he was sick, she just said, "it will be ok Mom." And we agreed she was right. For some reason God really speaks to us through music. Its the moments I spend in the car that I do most of my thinking and praying. We felt God speaking to us through the words of Jeremy Camp's "Reckless,"... 
"Everytime I try to play it safe 
Holding back just a little part of me
I find myself forgetting what
I say that I believe
The promise of Your Word
Is all I need
I'll lay my life down
And give it up
I'll give it up"
I guess its true! Why should we say no to a sweet little soul that needs the medical attention, love, and family that we can provide.... Its really not about us. So we wait to see what China says...When they approve we will share his sweet little face with you. We can't wait to show him off. :)

We do need name suggestions though...its been a real struggle trying to come up with one we both agree on, it doesn't necessarily have to start with A. Please share ideas :)

Every time the seasons change I get overwhelmed, just naturally (without the adoption stress)- but this time I can't do much about the feeling. Going from winter to spring means new things to worry about like... cutting the grass, maintaining the lawn, blowing out the underground sprinkling, changing the kids clothes, etc. Its like the kids book "If you give a mouse a cookie..." If I go outside and think about the grass then I realize I need to change the kids clothes, when I go inside to change the kids clothes, I see that our walls have kid marks all over them and still haven't been painted since we moved in, If I think about the walls being painted I notice the cob webs that I can't reach to clean, then I realize so many other things need cleaning and organizing, and the carpet needing cleaned, but Thats when God gives me a reality check and reminds me that our sweet little boy is worth more than any aesthetic thing money could buy. So if you come over please don't notice- the grass, the landscaping/ weeds, the walls, the carpet, the cob webs, or the unorganization of my house. :) 

Yesterday we had a busy morning just catching up from the week... but in the afternoon we went to Tulip time in Holland. Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE Holland! It was wonderful watching the dancers, eating an elephant ear, pictures with Tulips, dinner at Russ', Captain Sundae's with Grandpa VandenHeuvel, and the park!! We enjoyed spending time together, plus just being in Holland made me happy!
Today we met a new family and had lunch together at a park. We were just meant to be friends! They are young, have 3 biological children, and just brought the 4th child home from China (Who has special needs as well). She is a wealth of resources about fundraising, adoption and China! Get this... we met at my garage sale!! She came, told me a story that gave me goosebumps, and said we should hang out... so we did!! More than just raising money, we raised support! I hope that we are friends for a long time! It was really a great weekend.

Thats all for tonight, my toddler decided to learn a new trick- getting out of her crib! So I guess I will have to add, buy a twin mattress to that overwhelming list of tasks... but this one might be important. :)

Thanks for the prayers, keep them coming....

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