Sunday, April 21, 2013

Off to Chicago Again...

So I got the papers back from Chicago early last week. I took them to the notary (for the 3rd time), feeling so silly I had to request yet another "something" on the document. They were both super sweet about it. I feel a little uneasy about sending them again. Im not sure what we could possibly add to them, but I feel like they may not like the exact wording used. Dan and I talked about it before we sent them- we had two options.... Start all over (reprint, notarized, send to Secretary of State, copy, then to Chicago), or Try again and send back to Chicago. It costs $25 to send the documents. We decided that the $25 risk seemed a whole lot less overwhelming then starting over. This isn't delaying us at all because our homestudy is not complete yet and needs to go through the whole process too. Im really praying they will like the documents and authenticate them. :)

I have been really overwhelmed lately getting ready for the garage sale. So many people have been SO generous, and we are really feeling blessed. I know the sale will be wonderful. Its taken a lot of my time and I think my kids are sensing my lack of emotional presence. Im not sure if its the weather, or me being so consumed by adoption related "stuff," but the kids have not been listening to us well at all. I feel like we are a crazy circus everywhere we go, for example....
Friday was a busy day, I woke up late (which actually felt AWESOME to sleep in) to the kids helping themselves to food, TV on, and PJ's still.... already at this point we missed the bus. I decided I was just going to take my time picking up, getting the kids ready, and taking a shower. We had an errand to run, then we stopped by Dans work to pick up the documents he copied (so I could send them to the embassy), took Avi to school, then had to stop at the bank to fix the money order. This is all while the weather is cold and rainy. By the time we get to the bank Asher and Azalia had been in the car awhile. We get to the counter, they of course request candy, it takes a few minutes for the lady to take care of what I need. Meanwhile, the kids are running around giggling, laughing, being super silly, refusing to listen to "stand by mom." So embarrassing! Next stop post office. We talk in the car about staying by mom, and not running around- I get "yea, ok, yea, yea..." We get to the post office, I park the car, and turn around only to find the kids had thrown toys all over the floor of the van. My OCD comes out, and I say we have to find all the pieces before we go inside (It was more like mom finding all the pieces). We got most of them, the few left were under the seat so I got the kids out and told them to wait on the sidewalk so I could look under the seats. I turn around to find them again- laughing, giggling, and running up and down the handicap ramp at the post office. I was about to loose it! I round them up, and explain once again why its important to stay by mom..."yea, ok, yea yea yea..." Inside they were ok- considering it took me awhile to put all the papers together and label the envelopes. The thought did go through my mind many times- "are you sure you want one more??" Then I kept thinking about how silly I must have looked at all those places with out- of- control kids, and them knowing I was mailing papers to get ONE MORE!

I know life will not get any less crazier with one more, but it will be more blessed. God doesn't call us to do the things that are easy- thats what I have to keep telling myself. Even though my munchkins can be very silly and crazy, they are so precious and without them I wouldn't know what to do. I suppose our  life is about to get a little more crazy blessed. :)

I found some encouragement in 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Thats all for tonight, its pricing and organizing for me :)
Don't forget to mark your calendars for the garage sale Starting Wednesday May 1, 6:30pm- Friday afternoon.

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